Quick Guide to the ASIT Program

Modified on Thu, 12 Oct, 2023 at 3:30 PM


Faculty of Information and Communication Studies

University of the Philippines Open University

The ASIT is a foundational program on computing concepts, algorithms, and new developments in information technology. It deals with data acquisition, storage, processing, and distribution of information. The program is designed to provide knowledge and experiences in preparation for entering the workforce or as a foundation for further undergraduate study. It aims to enhance students’ critical thinking skills and provide technology-based solutions to various computing problems. Computing is a broad program with many options. This program trains students to be well-rounded computing professionals who can work in multiple fields. It combines elements of technology, science, and creative digital media, which provide insights into the challenge and excitement in our digital future. 

This specialization was designed for those who are interested in pursuing careers in information technology which requires a solid understanding of the principles of computing, but not the underpinnings of computer science theory and mathematics.


  • Provide learners with a strong foundational understanding of key IT concepts and technologies
  • Enhance learners’ abilities to accurately identify and resolve IT-related problems through better problem-solving skills.
  • Prepare learners on ethical and professional standards to get them ready for entry-level IT jobs.


  • Graduates capable of displaying far more technical skills and aptitude
  • Improved professional readiness by preparing learners for entry-level IT positions

The program aims to produce graduates who are:

  • Ethically responsible and inclusive citizens
  • Effective communicators
  • Able to integrate different knowledge domains
  • Able to evaluate information in the context of digital or networked problem domains.
  • Able to collaborate with diverse groups.
  • Able to demonstrate proficiency in database and information management.
  • Able to demonstrate competency in digital media and immersive technology.
  • Able to demonstrate core IT competency in networking and convergence.
  • Able to demonstrate core IT competency in programming and application development.

What is the next step in my career when I complete ASIT?

What are the enrollment procedures?

What are the links I can use to help me in other registration-related activities?

What is my plan of study?

I have enrolled in more than 12 units. What should I do?

I have enrolled in electives offered by another Faculty of Study. What should I do?

If I have started a similar course of study at another university and then chose to transfer to the ASIT program, will the courses I took be credited when I enroll at UPOU?

When should I apply for a Transfer of Credit?

Does the ASIT award Latin Honors?

If I have program advising concerns, who should I contact?

I have a concern about something other than academic advising. Where can I get help regarding a non-program-advising issue?

What is the next step in my career when I complete ASIT?

You can be an IT support specialist, help desk analyst, network systems administrator support, computer systems analyst, or technical sales support.

What are the enrollment procedures?

Registration is done through the Online Registration System (ORS) found in the Student Portal. To gain access to the Student Portal, follow the procedure below:

  1. Wait for the 1st day of the registration period;
  3. Enter your UP student number, then click REQUEST FOR PASSWORD;
  4. Check your email for the system-generated password. 

For login problems, please complete the following form:

http://bit.ly/upou-login-problem or email techsupport@upou.edu.ph

What are the links I can use to help me in other registration-related activities? 

The following sites may also help you:

What is my plan of study? 

The maximum load for an ASIT student is 12 units per term. Unless given express permission by the ASIT Program Chair, you cannot enroll in more than 12 units. You will be asked to apply for a Change of Matriculation. Otherwise, you will be dropped from extra courses once classes start.

As an ASIT student, you will have to take: 

  • 10 GE courses equivalent to 30 units in total (7 required, 3 electives)
  • 7 government-mandated courses equivalent to 3 academic units (1 PI 100) and 14 non-academic units (4 PE, 2 NSTP
  • 4 common courses equivalent to 12 units
  • 9 concentration courses equivalent to 27 units (8 required, 1 elective) 

The full curriculum is available on the ASIT website, but below is the recommended plan of study for full-time students:

1st Trimester
2nd Trimester
Third Trimester
(required GE)
(required GE)
3STS 1
(required GE)
(required GE)
3MATH 10
(required GE)
**COMM 10
(elective GE) 
**SAS 1
(elective GE)
3**ENG 11
(elective GE) 
3MMS 101
(required concentration course)
(common course)
3MMS 140
(required concentration course)
3MMS 141
Prereq: MMS 140
(required concentration course)
(3)*CWTS 2
Prereq: CWTS 1


(2)*PE 2
*PE 1
(2)*PE 2


1st Trimester
2nd Trimester
Third Trimester
(required GE)
PI 100
(required GE)
(common course)
(common course)
3ENT 103
(common course)
MMS 142
Prereq: MMS 141
(required concentration course)
3MMS 144
Prereq: MMS 141
(required concentration course
3MMS 146
Prereq: MMS 141
(required concentration course)
MMS 145
Prereq: MMS 141
(required concentration course)
3MMS 149
Prereq: MMS 141
(required concentration course)
3**MMS 151
Prereq: MMS 101
***Other elective concentration course
(elective concentration course)
*PE 2





* Please note that PE and NSTP courses are non-academic units.

** You can choose other elective courses from the ASIT curriculum.

*** Before enrolling in electives offered by other Faculties of Study, i.e. ENT 140, seek permission from your Program Chair first.

You can also download a sample plan of study for full-time students at the bottom of this page.

I have enrolled in more than 12 units. What should I do?

Kindly apply for a Change of Matriculation by following the instructions at https://registrar.upou.edu.ph/change-matriculation/. Once classes have started, you will only have a week to do so. Otherwise, you will be given a DRP-U for your extra courses.

Please direct all your other questions about the Change of Matriculation process to the Office of the University Registrar (registration@upou.edu.ph).


I have enrolled in electives offered by another Faculty of Study

If you have not received permission from your Program Chair to take electives from another Faculty of Study, kindly send an email to asitprogramsupport@upou.edu.ph.

If I have started a similar course of study at another university and then choose to transfer to the ASIT program, will the courses I took be credited when I enroll at UPOU?

There is a limit to how many courses outside of UPOU can be credited toward your UPOU degree. Please see https://registrar.upou.edu.ph/c/ for details. 

If you took your course from another UP constituent unit (CU), you will still need to apply for a Transfer of Credits. 

Please note that not all courses are eligible to be transferred. Even if a course looks like one of the ASIT required courses, it doesn't mean that you can substitute your previously completed course for the required ASIT course. 

Example: Even if you received transferred credit for a course called "ENG 1", it doesn't necessarily mean that you can use it as a substitute for, say, ENG 11 or even COMM 2. You must still apply for a Transfer of Credits to be sure. You cannot apply for Transfer of Credits for major (MMS) courses.  

However, you can better anticipate the outcome of your Transfer of Credits application if the course is taken from another UP CU unit and has exactly the same name as the one you need. 

When should I apply for a Transfer of Credit?

File your application as soon as you have been admitted to the ASIT Program. You can only apply for a Transfer of Credits once you have been admitted; it is not possible for you to apply for a Transfer of Credit before you have been officially admitted.

As of 11 August 2023, the FICS Faculty Secretary has confirmed that you can only apply for a Transfer of Credit ONCE. You should file this only during your FIRST YEAR in the ASIT Program. Should you have other questions regarding this, please contact the Faculty Secretary directly at fics-secretary@upou.edu.ph.

How do I apply for a Transfer of Credit?

Contact the Faculty Secretary to apply for a Transfer of Credit. As of 12 December 2018, the process is as follows:

  1. Apply for a transfer of credit through http://toc.joycemanalo.com.
  2. Make sure to attach a clear, high-resolution PDF copy of your Official Transcript of Records. Make sure that it is valid for transfer. True Copy of Grades will not be accepted. Keep the file size to 2MB or less or else you might encounter an error.
  3. When accomplishing the form, make sure that the Course Code indicated is written in the exact same way they appear on the Transcript of Records. If not, this might get flagged as a discrepancy.
  4. Once your Transfer of Credit application has been processed, you must consult the Student Portal to see how your transferred courses will be credited. It will be worded something like "MATH 17: Algebra and Trigonometry (for MATH 11)", meaning that you can use your MATH 17 credits from a previous institution for your MATH 11 requirement for ASIT.

Note: There is a known visual bug in some browsers in which the Transcript file does not appear as attached after selecting. If you encounter this, just proceed to submit your application. If the application goes through, it means your file was successfully attached.

Does the ASIT award Latin Honors?

Latin Honors are awarded to students graduating from a full bachelor's program based on their GWA upon graduation. For students under the Faculty of Information and Communication Studies (FICS), that means only BAMS Students are eligible for Latin Honors 

Cum Laude: 1.75

Magna Cum Laude: 1.45

Summa Cum Laude: 1.20

An ASIT graduate, being a graduate of a pre-baccalaureate or Associate program, will not be eligible for Latin honors.

However, you may be awarded with the English equivalents “with honors,” “with high honors,” and “with highest honors.”

ASIT students who are candidates for graduation and aiming for hors must have taken the full load (12 units) each Trimester. The only valid reasons for underloaded terms are: 

  1. Health Reasons;
  2. Employment; and 
  3. Unavailability of Courses

See: Does the ASIT award Latin Honors?

If I have program advising concerns, who should I contact?

Send an email to asitprogramsupport@upou.edu.ph. A program support representative will be reviewing your concern/inquiry and will send you a personal response as soon as they can. 

I have a concern about something other than academic advising. Where can I get help regarding a non-program-advising issue? 

Please refer to the table below of whom to contact regarding specific issues:

Issues related to your UP account (@up.edu.ph). For example:
  • "How do I get access to Microsoft Office and other software provided to UP students?"
  • "I cannot use my UP email because I am unable to verify my identity using two-factor authentication." 

Contact UPOU Tech Support at techsupport@upou.edu.ph 
MyPortal issuesContact MyPortal support at myportal@upou.edu.ph

Issues including:
  • Free tuition eligibility (e.g., Why am I not eligible for Free Tuition?")
  • Transfer of Credit 
  • Your GWA
  • NSTP exemption
  • DRP application (e.g., "Why was my DRP application disapproved?")
  • Following up readmission and MRR waiver status after the Program Chair has already endorsed it
Contact the Faculty Secretary at fics-secretary@upou.edu.ph 

  • Registration, late registration, the online registration system, change of matriculation, the Student Portal, AIMS, tuition payments, refunds, manual processing. 
  • Questions such as:
    • "Why am I not eligible to enroll?"
    • "There is an error in the assessment of my
    • fees"
    • "I am having issues with payment."
    • "I need to enroll late and I have a valid reason."
    • "I would like to replace the course I enrolled with another course."

Contact the Office of the University Registrar staff who are in charge of registration at registration@upou.edu.ph.

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