Using the Planner to generate your Plan of Study

Modified on Wed, 13 Dec, 2023 at 9:02 AM

The Planner is a tool that was created to help BAMS students plan their courses easily, correctly, and completely. It was designed by Studio Subtiv and is powered by SEADS, a UPOU partner.

As an ASIT student, you must also use this tool to generate your Plan of Study.  

Sample Plans of Study

Go to the end of the Quick Guide to the ASIT Program page to download a sample plan of study (as a PDF file) for full-time students.

Generating your Plan of Study with the Planner


Before generating your Plan of Study, you need to determine a few things: 

  • Required courses.
    Besides the electives, all other courses in the ASIT curriculum are required. Go to the curriculum tab to get an overview of your required courses.
  • 3 elective GEs.
    Besides the 7 required GE courses, you have to take 3 elective GE courses of your choice. Choose from: 
    • SAS 1: Self and Society
    • PHILARTS 1: Philippine Arts and Culture
    • SOC SCI 2: Social, Political, and Economic Thoughts
    • COMM 10: Critical Perspectives in Communication
    • ENG 11: Literature and Society
  • 1 elective concentration course.
    Besides the 8 required concentration courses for ASIT students, you have to take 1 elective concentration course of your choice. Choose from: 
    • MMS 130: Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D)
    • MMS 143: Introduction to Multimedia Computing
    • MMS 151: Introduction to Web Accessibility
    • ENT 140: Introduction to Electronic Commerce

Once you've determined the above, you can now proceed to the Planner tool. 

  1. Go to

  2. Input the necessary details. Make sure you selected the correct program and curriculum, i.e. ASIT,  then click "NEXT":
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email (use your email)
    • Student Number 
      • Make sure you write down your student number correctly, e.g., 2000-12345)
    • Year First Enrolled 
      • Academic year you were first admitted to ASIT
    • Term First Enrolled 
      • Term you were first admitted to ASIT
      • Termmeans trimester. I
        • Example: Term 2 Year 2023 means 2nd trimester of AY 2023-2024.
        • Example: You were an AA student who started the AA program on the 2nd Semester of AY 2021-2022. You graduated from the AA program and started ASIT 1st Trimester of AY 2023-2024. What term and year do you indicate?
          Answer: Term = 1, Year = 2023.
    • Program/Curriculum (ASIT)

  3. Once you click "NEXT," you will be able to see four (4) sections:
     The NOT YET TAKEN section is where you will select and classify the courses you've already passed.

    Take note, PASSED courses refer to courses you've already received a grade for OR courses that were approved for a Transfer of Credits.

    If you have taken and passed courses that go toward your ASIT degree, you must mark your Passed courses in this section first.

    Take note, however, that courses that have yet to be approved for TOC should not go in the PASSED section.

    This allows you to create a Plan of Study that is free of errors.
    PASSEDThe PASSED section will show the courses you've already taken, based on your selection in the NOT YET TAKEN section.

    Courses you are taking in the CURRENT TERM should NOT  be tagged as PASSED.

    PASSED courses should contain only those you have completed and earned credits for.

    Each term you update your Plan of Study, the PASSED section should contain the courses you have recently completed from the past term.

    You DO NOT need to plan your PASSED courses in the FUTURE PLAN OF STUDY section.
    FUTURE PLAN OF STUDYThe FUTURE PLAN OF STUDY  is where you will map your ASIT courses. This should cover ALL your remaining courses that have not been assigned as PASSED courses.

    Again, Courses you are taking in the CURRENT TERM should NOT  be tagged as PASSED.

    PASSED courses should contain only those you have completed and earned credits for.

    Whenever you generate your Plan of Study, make sure you are starting with the current term.

    For example, even if you see "TRIMESTER 1 | 22-23" in the Planner, if you are generating a Plan of Study for the 1st Trimester A.Y. 2023-2024, start with "TRIMESTER 1 | 23-24"

    Courses that are awaiting TOC approval should still be tagged as PLANNED. Once these courses are approved, you may update your POS.
    REPORTThe REPORT section will give you a summary of your courses taken. This could be a good indicator of if you've crafted a correct Plan of Study.

  4. Once you're done crafting your Plan of Study, scroll to the top of the page and click PRINT. To ensure your Plan of Study is correct, make sure you do not see any warnings:


  5. Save your plan of study as a PDF.
    Follow this file naming convention: [ASIT POS] A.Y. and Term + Surname, First Name
    For example:

    [ASIT POS] 2023-1T Dela Cruz, Juan

  6. Remember that it is your responsibility as a student to keep track of your courses. That being said, if you have questions about using the Planner, you may send an email to or file a ticket with the subject:
    "[PROGRAM ADVISING] + Specific Concern"

    For example:
    [PROGRAM ADVISING] Plan of Study Review
    [PROGRAM ADVISING] Planner Tool Guidance

  7.  Once you've finalized your Plan of Study for the term, archive a PDF file through the ASIT Plan of Study Archive form.

How do I know if my Plan is correct and error-free?

If at any given time, your Planner-generated Plan should satisfy all of the following:

  • Complete (all your courses have been filed under Passed or Planned sections, and you therefore have 0 courses missing for all course types);
  • Free of warnings, including warnings when you have overloaded a term or when you have scheduled to take courses for which you do not have the prerequisites, and excluding warnings for which there is a reasonable justification (see Removing and resolving warnings in your Planner-generated Plan); 
  • Minimal, meaning that you do not plan to take more courses than you need (e.g., if you need only three GE elective courses and you already have taken three, do not plan to take any other GE elective courses... you don't need them!)
  • Satisfies the Maximum Residency Rule (your Plan does not exceed your last enrollable term); and
  • Up-to-date, meaning that you have recently updated your Plan and courses that you have taken have been moved from the Planned section to the Passed section, and that the Planned section starts on the most current term. Please note that if major changes to the schedule of course offerings need to be made, the Planner will be updated to reflect these changes, and any changes to the Planner will be announced through an email by the ASIT student support staff. 
then you can be sure that your Plan of Study is sound and you will not need further advising.

Watch this walkthrough to see how to use the Planner:

Tips for using the Planner

The app should be self-explanatory, and the video above should clarify other features of the app.
That being said, before generating your Plan of study, there are a few things you should take note of: 

  • Know what term is which. For example: 
    • "23/24 Trimester 1" means AY 2023-2024 1st Trimester, which is also written as 2023-1T, which started September 2023.
    • "23/24 Trimester 2" means AY 2023-2024 2nd Trimester, which is also written as 2023-2T, which starts January 2023.
  • Start with the correct term. For example, if you are updating your Plan of Study when 2023-1T is starting, the 2022-1T, 2022-2T, and 2022-3T terms should be blank. Any courses that you took and successfully passed (or are waiting for a grade) should be in the Passed section.
  • Warnings. If you do something out of the ordinary — for instance, planning for an overloaded term — you’ll receive a warning. Don't ignore warnings unless you have a very good reason not to (such as, for example, when you have been explicitly advised by ASIT program support staff not to ignore those warnings). See Removing and resolving warnings in your Planner-generated Plan.
  • Courses in the Offered section. Only courses that you are allowed to take will ever be listed in the Offered section. However, note that if you did not add the correct courses in the Passed section, the courses in the Offered section may not be accurate.  
  • Courses with missing grades. The Passed section of the Planner is where you list all the courses you have successfully completed and courses you have taken but are still missing your grades. (For planning purposes, if you have not received a grade for your course because the grades are being released late, you can put it under the Passed section. See the article My grade for course X has not yet been released.) Add courses to your Passed section from the Not Yet Taken section.
  • Planning technical courses. It is highly recommended that you do not leave the technical courses (MMS 14x series) for last. Plan your MMS 14x courses as early as possible.  
  • Transferred courses. If you have courses from your previous academic institution that could be transferred, complete the Transfer of Credit process before you start making your Plan of Study. You can add these transferred courses to the Passed section. See also the following articles:
  • Non-academic units. Non-academic units from courses such as PE and NSTP do not count against your term loading; see What is the difference between academic and non-academic units? for details.
  • Backing up. You should back up PDF copies of all the Plans of Study that you have generated in the ASIT Plan of Study Archive form. Create a folder on your end as well. Backing up your Plans of Study allows you to create a history that can be used if there is ever a dispute regarding your academic progress or if you underloaded in a term and you become a Latin Honors candidate for a Bachelor's program.
  • Attach your Plan to program advising requests. When you request program advising using this Freshdesk system, always attach a PDF copy of your Plan. 

Please note that the courses listed in the Planner app are not synced in real-time to the actual course offerings. Instead, schedule of courses are automatically scheduled based on the planned offerings by the FICS. FEd, and FMDS. Please see When will courses be offered? for more details. If there is an unavoidable change in the course offerings, we will communicate this to you through an email advisory. Look for an email from

What do I do with a course for which my grade hasn't been released?

Unless you have been informed in advance by your FIC that you have not passed the course, you can assume that you passed the course and you can add it to the Passed section. However, if it turns out that you did not pass the course, you will need to remove it from the Passed section and schedule it to be taken. (See also the related article My grade for course X has not yet been released, but I need to know whether I passed course X in order to enroll in course Y. Can I still enroll in course Y?)

The "Notes" section of a course 

We recommend that you store the following information in the Notes section of a course:

  • The term and year you successfully passed the course
    Example: 2014-2T
  • If you passed the course due to a Transfer of Credits, indicate details as listed in the Student Portal.
    Example: TOC (1988-1 MCU) or Approved TOC, 2023-1T

Saving and printing your Plan

  • Printing: To save your Plan as a PDF file, click the Print button on the planner and print the Plan as a PDF file. (See the video above.) Do not use your browser's "Print..." or "Print as PDF..." function or your browser's screenshot function. You must use the Print button to generate the PDF file, as this will create the most complete version of your Plan which you can save and which you can include in support tickets that you file.

Still have questions?

If you need additional help with the app (for example, if you entered the wrong starting term and year, or the wrong student number), please file a ticket.  

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